I get it! I've been there! Pregnancy comes with a range of emotions, physical changes, and a host of other challenges and blessings. Freezing this moment in time with a photo session might seem like one of the last things you want to do. Some days you feel glorious because of that miracle of life growing within you. But some days you feel every ache and pain. It can be hard to feel beautiful with all of the changes you are experiencing. But, just like so much of life, this is a time to treasure the good and the hard, the easy and the difficult, the joy and the pain. Keep reading to find out my top 5 reasons to invest in a lifestyle maternity photoshoot.

"Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder. And I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be."

-Carrie Fisher

Reason #1: This Season is Fleeting!

There are days that pregnancy seems like an eternity and other days that the moments seem to be flying by. But the reality is that it will go by way faster than you think! While I was pregnant with my son, I barely thought about the possibility of getting photos to document such a special season. I brushed it off, thinking that I would have other pregnancies to document. I wish I had taken the time, even in such a busy season, to treasure the moments with photos. Knowing this, maternity sessions are now one of my absolute favorites to do for families! I just know how special it is to have these frozen moments in time to look back on as your child grows up.

Thinking about including pets in your maternity photos like this family did? Check out this article about when you should When to Include Pets in Your Family Portraits - Grateful Moments Photography.

Reason #2: You will treasure these later!

After pregnancy has passed (sometimes like a whirlwind!), and your little one safely arrives, you will treasure your maternity photos. They capture a season in life that holds so much meaning and change for you and everyone that loves you. All of the challenges quickly fade away as you reach the other side. And as your family changes, each season before becomes a little sweeter. It is often the hardest times of life that hold the most meaning to us!

Reason #3: You and your new baby are worth celebrating!

If you are pregnant right now, you are a rock star! I mean that with all of my heart. From one mama to another, pregnancy requires strength, resilience, perseverance, sacrifice, and selfless devotion. You and your new little one are worth celebrating! You are beautiful. This season in life is beautiful. And I just love to help families celebrate their mamas with maternity sessions. I want you to feel the love that your family has for you and your new little one.

Reason #4: For those who love you and your child

It is easy to forget how much this season means to others. You probably have more people excited for you and your new little one than you could ever realize. Taking the time to get maternity photos blesses the people that love and support you. It gives them tangible memories of such a special time for someone dear to them. The growth of a family affects everyone involved! One of the best things about lifestyle maternity sessions is including the entire family and watching the love that siblings already have for their new baby brother or sister.

Reason #5: Your child will love having these

Do you remember the days of photo albums collecting dust on the shelves? (Okay, so maybe I still have some stashed away on the shelves) I can't even count the times I lovingly pulled down my mom's photo albums when I was growing up. There was just something special about seeing pictures of when we were all small! I especially loved the photos my mom had of when she was pregnant with me. I was the oldest and the only one she did specific maternity photos with. I was drawn especially to the emotion on her face. Somehow, having these photos, helped to tell the story of where I came from. Your maternity photos will be treasured, not only by you but also by the child you will soon have in your arms.

If you or someone you love is a pregnant mama, I hope this has encouraged you to take the time and make it a priority to invest in maternity photos! You are worth it. There are so many reasons that this season in your life should be celebrated and remembered. From one mama to the next, I'm cheering for you! You got this!
